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Pottsgrove Youth Wrestling Club


League (ICWL: Inter-County Wrestling League):

  •  Our league is designed to promote the sport of wrestling, learning and make it fun for all.
  • Matches are designed to have each child win and lose and hopefully have an even record at the end of the season.


  • This is a highly emotional sport as you will find out. Please conduct yourself as adults, it is only youth wrestling.

6 Team Meets:

  • We will have 6 Team meets on weekends. You will receive 2-4 matches each meet.
  • Home meets will be at Pottsgrove High School. Volunteer assignments will be sent out for home meet.
  • Coaches have a weekly call where they match your wrestler with other wrestlers from the opposing team using experience, skill, weight and age. Since this is an individual sport with specifics for each match, match-ups are for your wrestler only. We can not just plug in another wrestler.

Email Communication:

  • All communication will be done through email.
  • You will receive an email on Monday the week of a meet. It is imperative you respond to this email,  so we can prepare for the match up conference call between coaches.
  • Please respond on Monday with your wrestler’s name and a YES or NO if you plan on attending our meet.
    If you do not reply we will assume you are NOT coming and no matches will be scheduled!
  • If you respond YES, please plan on attending barring illness or family emergency. It takes a lot of time to set up the match-ups for meets and saying you will be there then not showing up will mean someone from another team could show up and only get one or no matches.
  • All sorts of other information will be sent via email, so check it often.

Practice Rules:

•     Please adhere to the practice rules and expectations as outlined on our website:

Our Tournament:

  • We run a tournament every year. All of our wrestlers are invited and encouraged to join and compete free of charge. There are Novice (2 yrs or less experience) and Open divisions.
  • This is our only fundraiser of the year. It enables us to cover the costs of the club, league and USA Wrestling memberships and sponsor tournaments without raising the sign-up costs for our wrestlers families.
  • There will be a volunteer sheet sent before the tournament. All families are required to fill their volunteer slots.

Outside Tournaments & ICWL League Tournaments:

  • We sponsor 2 team tournaments a year. We will travel to another teams tournament and compete as a team. You can compete free of charge.
  • We also sponsor the ICWL Championship Tournaments. There is a 1st Year Novice, an Open and a Middle school tournament.You can compete free of charge.


  • Because of the close personal contact and mat contact of the sport, hygene is very important. Pleases  shower directly after all practices and meets.
  • Please trim fingernails.

Bond Checks:

  • We collect bond checks for the singlet and volunteering at tournament and meets.
  • Checks are returned if volunteering duty is completed and singlets returned


  • Practice days will change each week, make sure you check the website for the most current days.

More General Info for New Wrestling Parents:

Contact Us

Pottsgrove Youth Wrestling Club


Email: [email protected]

Pottsgrove Youth Wrestling Club


Email: [email protected]
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